Monday, May 23, 2005

Easy Like Sunday Morning-WK 7

In my opinion, and Yes I have an opinion on EVERYTHING Easy - Week #7

EASY - like Sunday Morning!

Here's my question of the week.  Answer it in your journal and come back here and leave me a link in the comments.  I'll post your links on Saturday and we'll start over again next week :-)

Tell me......

"What is your favorite way to spend a rainy day?"


Ah another good one from Kelly! Well if it's just me all alone, I prefer to nap off and on all day and read, and maybe find something good on tv or if I'm in a really odd mood pop in a movie.

If it's a normal day and I have the  boys with me. I love to color with the kids! It's one of the really good memories I have from my childhood, my mom coloring with my brother and I, all of us laying on the floor sharing the crayons, coloring our pictures. I like to read to the boys, well ok that doesn't exactly count we read everyday, but well all that cuddling just fits in on a rainy day. We usually will watch a movie of their choice (ok mostly it's Jacob's choice! LOL), play in the play room. If/when Jackson's napping Jacob and I will sometimes play a game of his choice. If the boys watch a movie, they have to have popcorn too.

If any of you read this, go to your journals and tell us what you do on a rainy day and leave your link in Kelly's journal: In my opinion, and Yes I have an opinion on EVERYTHING 


Anonymous said...

Hope I can just say it here:

Grab my kids and go play in every mud puddle we can find.  Forget the  hoods or umbrella's, lets get wet and have some fun!!!


Anonymous said...

Any day is good for napping!  Rainy days just make you feel less guilty about it?  LOL

Anonymous said...

Hi Christy,

I dont know how often you get comments from complete strangers but I found your journal when I did a search for the lyrics of "Held" so I started reading.  Just wanted you to know I enjoyed reading your posts.  

God Bless You!
