Friday, March 14, 2008

New Update

Well we're start off with the newest prayer need. Heather was life-flighted to another hospital, because they were able to pinpoint the infection in her lung and our hospital here could not properly treat it, so they sent her to one that can! (That also falls into a praise since they've pinpointed the infection!).

Ok so this morning we had our Prayer Hour for Heather. It was wow! I woke up this morning with so much peace when I thought of Heather. What I found was God working on my own heart, and he did! I'm emotionally exhausted when I think of it, but praise him for the changes he's making in me. Anyways, for those who don't know when you are sick your blood sugar goes up, when you're stressed it goes up, and if your medication is not the proper amount, it can not keep it level. Well Heather has been sick (the lung infection which started off as a cold) and her husband left for a 15 month deployment (MAJOR Stress!),she has a 12 yr old and 3 yr old and homeschools (Hmmm...MORE STRESS), when she got to the hospital Tuesday night her blood sugar which should have been between 80-120, it was at 600. Yes that is right SIX HUNDRED! They were able to get it down to 200 pretty quickly.

The infection she had in her lungs spread throughout her body, into her blood stream, and her body went into septic shock and her kidney's and liver went into failure. They put her on dialysis and it's been working, this morning they took her off dialysis and from what we were told is that her kidney's are functioning without it! HUGE praise! Her body is also responding to the medications fighting the infection throughout her body, so another HUGE PRAISE!!!!

Her son does not know all the details, how close she was to dying she was. Her husband has spent a huge amount of time with Heather and a good amount of time with the kids as well. Her parents got here this morning, so please be in prayer over that as well, since they'd only been here maybe 2 hrs at the most before they had to lifeflight Heather.

Prayers for the friend who's taking care of the kids, Jessie is a young army wife, and does not have children yet. She's shown grace, love, patience, and wisdom beyond her age and experience.


I'm making them dinner tonight. I'll be making them a large salad full of wonderful various veggies, topped with grilled chicken, and pudding for dessert. 


With permission from Scott I've set up a caringbridge website. Please go share your prayers, bible verses, love, and concern. Be mindful that Daniel may read it so please do not divulge too much on Heather's condition. I'm going to print off the guestbook for them every night so if Scott wants he can take it and read the words to Heather.


Thank you for the continued prayers.


God Bless



Anonymous said...

thanking the Lord for all his provisions and working in the life of Heather; she/family will be in my prayers

thanks for the updates Christy


Anonymous said...

What wonderful news that they have pinpointed what is going on and are able to properly treat it.  It is such a blessing to hear the turn around, I know she's not out of the woods and won't be until she's safe at home and surrounded by her loved ones.  I continue to keep her in my prayers.  Leene

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jesus!  God is so good!!  -  Barbara

Anonymous said...

So happy they pinpointed the infection....still sending up prayers...hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

I sure hope Heather gets well at the other hospital.  Keeping her in my daily prayers.

Anonymous said...

What a huge blessing!  I'm so glad they are able to treat her.

Anonymous said...

Sounds as if things are looking up...God is good!

Keeping Heather in my thoughts and prayers as well
as her family....


Anonymous said...

many prayers!
