Tuesday, July 8, 2008

11 months

It's hard to believe that over 11 months have went by that my sweet Emma was born. I won't be here in Germany for Emma's 1 yr birthday and doubt I'll do any updating of the journal while I'm in the states, so here's a little "flash back". Maybe over the next few days I'll do an "Emma over the last 11 months". :) Time has gone by so quickly. She's sitting eating her breakfast of banana's right now and yelling at me for not paying 1000000% attention to her! LOL She's such a joy, full of spunk, spirit, personality just explodes out of her. She's stunningly beautiful, has eyes that stops EVERYONE in their tracks, and smile that lights up the room. God has surely blessed me with this little girl in every way possible.


 Emma Grace and Daddy moments after she entered this world

Welcome to the world Emma Grace August 3, 2007

My sweet and beautiful Emma Grace 11 months old exactly


Emma Grace enjoying her 11 month birthday at the pool

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