If I have not responded to your comment about the opportunity to help soldiers (the post below this one) please email me: My3gifts@aol.com I have been absolutely THRILLED with the response I've recieved between posting here and the emails it's just really be so awesome! Thank you all so much! When we get the rooms done, I will take pictures and post them here and try to email everyone who donated anything! You truly do not understand just how much you're helping our FRG so we can make the single soldiers feel like they are truly being welcomed back. I know a few will have family or friends here, but most of them will not. With the fact that we don't get much notice at all when right before they're getting on the plane to come home, to the fact that things can change at last minute, it's hard for families to come and greet their single soldiers oh and that minor detail of us being in Germany. I pray we can make them feel that people DO care about them and that we're just as happy that they made it home.
So to all those who've responded either via comments on here or just by email....THANK YOU! I was talking to our FRG leader today and she was really excited to hear that I've heard from about 20 people so far who are either sending checks, sheets, snacks, or hygiene items! She said that once it looks like we have all the money and packages in we'll go shopping (as many of us from the FRG as possible) and get what we need. I would like to suggest that if you go to your local WalMart, Target, Kmart, Sears, JC Penny's, etc you can ask them if they're willing to donate sheets and/or pillows for our soldiers. Sheets would be the easiest to ship, but with our last unit at Fort Riley a WalMart that was about 45 minutes a way donated all the pillows. The worst they'll say is no and we can handle that! So thank you! PLEASE share this post, email (feel free to copy and paste it into an email) it to your friends and family.
God Bless