Sunday, October 28, 2007

Before I head to bed



I'm not sure what it's like all over the states, mostly because I'm being too lazy tonight to go and look. I'm guessing that at home (Kansas) it's nice. The leaves are all changing here and I'll post pictures of our color walk we went on yesterday later. Emma and I went to the ballet on Friday and it was wonderful! She was very good during the show. We saw the Russian Ballet perform Sleeping Beauty. The narrator was German so only about half our group had any clue what was being said, the other half of us just picked up words here and there, but it wasn't about the words anyways...but the beautiful dancing. Truly a gift and a lot of dedication and HARD WORK!


The time changed over here last night, so we fell back an hour, but no one informed my body of that and I'm absolutely wiped out! I'm going to bed once I'm done here. I wanted to come and ask for prayers for my Emily. Today marks 4 months since sweet Miller Grace ( went home to Jesus and began her beautiful dance with him. This is NOT an easy road, and I'm so thankful she has God to lean on. I do my best as her friend and I know others do as well, but the simple fact is none of us can measure up to God. So go by and read her words, send a shout out of Praise to GOD and all his glory. I'm not taking away from Emily at all and I'm guessing if she reads this she'll tell me if she agree's or not! But Emily's words are not for her glory, they're all about God's glory. Praising Emily isn't what it's about, encouraging her, giving her love...sure..but praising her, no...the one who needs the praising IS God. He's the one doing the hardest of the hard work. He's not only pulling Emily and her family through this time of deep grief, he's also giving grace to so many other people in this world. He manages to take care of us no matter what. He IS the King of everything and that includes multitasking! :)


Well, I'm off to bed. I'm going to go snuggle in with Emma and Chad and enjoy a hopefully good nights sleep.


Anonymous said...

The colors are wonderful in Tennessee this year.  I'm praying for your friend and her family.

Anonymous said...

Keeping Emily and family in my thoughts and prayers!


Anonymous said...

Without God, my faith and my kids I honestly don't think I'd be able to get out of bed every morning!

Love your journal!!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this entry!  What a wonderful message!  Thank you for reminding me what it is all about!  I know that pleases the Lord when we do things right... and lead others to do things right.  And He sure must be pleased with you!!!

I am hoping you got caught up on sleep and that you are happy and healthy... as well as all of your beautiful family.

God Bless-